Thursday, 24 February 2011


Other than acting as a middleman to get a fairer deal, Fairtrade campaign to get the message across that it is out there and the products are great. This is done in many ways, getting schools involved so that people learn of early, in schools, Fairtrade is on some of the syllabus’. There are also Fair Trade events where some Fairtrade goods are sold.

Fairtrade fund-raise for many reasons, one being to help raise awareness of Fairtrade and what that means for everyone involved, especially the producers. To do this, campaigns are the main activity, but these take on different forms. Campaigns are done within communities to help incorporate Fairtrade into their everyday lives, whether it be a school community or a village/town community,. These campaigns work within different communities:
  • Towns
  • Universities and Colleges
  • Schools
  • Places of Worship
  • Workplace

To become a Fairtrade town, all the different communities need to come together can do their best to incorporate Fairtrade. To do this, Fairtrade have set five goals for towns to achieve.
1. Local council passes a resolution supporting Fairtrade, and agrees to serve Fairtrade products (for example, in meetings, offices and canteens).
2. A range of (at least two) Fairtrade products are readily available in the area’s retail outlets (shops, supermarkets, newsagents, petrol stations) and served in local catering outlets (cafés, restaurants, pubs).
3. Local workplaces and community organisations (places of worship, schools, universities, colleges and other community organisations) support Fairtrade and use Fairtrade products whenever possible. Populations over 100,000 will also need a flagship employer.
4. Media coverage and events raise awareness and understanding of Fairtrade across the community.
5. A local Fairtrade steering group is convened to ensure the Fairtrade Town campaign continues to develop and gain new support.
The following image shows the influence different groups can have on a town to achieve the Fairtrade status.

All the different campaigns have similar goals, all designed to raise awareness of Fairtrade in that community and ensure that the products are being used. It is believed that by uniting in the fight for fairer trading standards the voice for justice will be heard. With this in mind, another event Fairtrade do is Fairtrade Fortnight.Here all the communities spend two weeks promoting Fairtrade within the community creatively as they like. The idea is to get people to raise their voice and let people know that they support Fairtrade. Stalls, point of sales and people dressed up as Fairtrade food are popular ways of doing this.

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