Sunday, 3 April 2011

Final Concept - The App

The Store
The Store is the place where the user looks for everything. Here they can buy seeds, trees, buildings, decorations and special purchases. The Store can be found in the Items menu. Seeds and trees are what the user use to earn their keep. The use of these are explained under Farming. Buildings as mentioned just before are also bought here, however their up-grades are available from the actual building. Decorations are similar to that of the buildings except that they are quite simply decorations. Things like fences can be used to keep things tidy while other are place because the user feels their plot looks better with them. The idea is that people develop the land and by adding decorations they are improving the appearance. Specials can be anything that can be added due to a specific event or for expansion for the farm. As the user levels up, they may find that their farm gets a bit small for them. By expanding they increase the amount of land they have to play with for farming and also placing more buildings and decorations. Some things in the Store are unavailable. This is due to the user needing to unlock them by getting QR codes and leveling up to an appropriate level.

The Buildings Menu
The Decorations Menu

Store Menu
Seeds  menu

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